Jamaican Patwa Words Translated

The Jamaican Translations List

I came with my family      – mi com wid mih famly

I can swim      – mi cyan swim

I can’t hear you clearly      – mi cyaa’ hear yuh suh good

I can’t hear you      – mi cyaa’ hear yuh

I don’t care      – mi nuh care

I don’t feel well      – mi nuh feel suh good

I don’t have a girlfriend      – mi nuh hav waah galfren

I don’t have any money      – mih nuh hav nuh money

I don’t have enough money      – mih nuh hav enough money

I don’t have time right now      – mih nuh hav nuh time right now

I don’t know how to use it      – mih nuh kno how fi use ih

I don’t know      – mi nuh kno

I don’t like him      – mi nuh like him

I don’t like it      – mi nuh like ih

I don’t mind      – mi nuh care

I don’t speak English very well      – mi nuh speak english good

I don’t speak very well      – mi nuh talk suh good

I don’t think so      – mih nuh tink so

I don’t understand what your saying      – mi nuh andastan weh u a seh

I don’t understand      – mi nuh andastan

I don’t want it      – mih nuh want ih

I don’t want that      – mih uh want dat

I don’t want to bother you      – mih nuh wah fi badda yuh

I feel good      – mi feel good

I forget      – mi figet

I get off of work at 6      – mi a leff work a 6

I give up      – mi give up

I got in an accident      – mi get inna wah accident

I have a cold      – mi hav wah cole

I have a headache      – mi hav wah headache

I have a lot of things to do      – mi hav wholeheep a sitting fi do

I have a question I want to ask you      – mi hav wah question fi ask yuh

I want to ask you a question      – mi wah fi aks yuh wah question

I have a reservation      – mi hav wah reservation

I have money      – mi hav money

I have one in my car      – mi hav one inna mi cyar

I have pain in my arm      – mi hav pain inna mi han

I have three children, two girls and one boy      – mi hav tree pickney, 2 gyal an wah bwoy

I have to go to the post office      – mi haffi go a di post office

I have to wash my clothes      – mi haffi wash mi close dem

I have two sisters      – mi hav 2 sista

I haven’t been there      – mi neva guh deh

I haven’t finished eating      – mi nuh dun eat yet

I haven’t had lunch yet      – mi nuh finish wid lunch yet

I hope you and your wife have a nice trip      – mi hope seh u an yuh wife ago hav wah nice trip

I know      – mih kno

I like her      – mih like har

I like it      – mi like ih

I like Italian food      – mi like italian food

I like to watch TV      – mi like fi watch tv

I live in California      – mih live inna california

I lost my watch      – mi lose mi watch

I love you      – mi luv yuh inuh

I made a mistake      – mih mek a mistake

I made this cake      – mi mek da cake yah

I need a doctor      – mih need wah dacta

I need another key      – mih need wah nedda key

I need some tissues      – mih need suh tissue

I need this to get there by tomorrow      – mih need dis by tumarow

I need to change clothes      – mi need fi change close

I need to go home      – mi need fi guh home

I need to go now      – mi need fi leff now

I need to practice my English      – mih need fi practice mi english

I only have 5 dollars      – mi ungle hav 5 dolla

I only want a snack      – mi ungle wah wah snack

I remember      – mi memba

I speak a little English      – mi speak a likkle english

I speak two languages      – mi speak too language

I still have a lot of things to buy      – mi still haffi buy wholeheep a tings

I still have a lot to do      – mi still haffi do nuff

I still have to brush my teeth and take a shower      – mi still haffi brush mi teeth an tek wah showa

I still haven’t decided      – mi nuh decide yet

I think I need to see a doctor      – mi tink mi need fi sih di docta

I think it tastes good      – mi tink ih tasse good

I think it’s very good      – mi tink ih good

I think so      – mih tink so

I think those shoes are very good looking      – mih tink deh shoes deh look good

I think you have too many clothes      – mi tink u have tumuch clothes

I thought he said something else      – mih tink ihh seh sumting else

I thought the clothes were cheaper      – mih tink the clothes dem did cheapa

I trust you      – mih truss yuh

I understand now      – mih andastan now

I understand      – mih andastan

I usually drink coffee at breakfast      – mi usually drink kaffee afta breakfass

I want to buy something      – mi wah fi buy sumting

I want to contact our embassy      – mi wah fi contact di embassy

I want to give you a gift      – mih wah gih yuh wah gift

I want to send this package to the United States      – mi wah sen da package yah to dih us

I want to show you something      – mi wah fi show u sumting

I was about to leave the restaurant when my friends arrived      – mi did ago leff den mi fren dem com

I was going to the library      – mih did ago go a dih libry

I was in the library      – mi did inna di libry

I went to the supermarket, and then to the computer store      – mi did go a di supamarket den mi go a di computa store

I wish I had one      – mi wish mi did hav one

I’d like a map of the city      – mi want a map a di city

I’d like a room with two beds please      – mi w’aah wah room wid two bed

You can check out the next set of Jamaican Patwa translations.